How to add ssh-key authentication for git repositories

As the experiment loads get heavier, I had to move into several different servers with the same experimental setups.

Because I am using private opam packages that are pinned to git repositories, everytime I try to move out, I had to set up the

SSH key authentication.

Problem is that I keep forgetting how to do this, and google all the way again.

So, I am leaving this procedure so that I can just look this up.

key generation

The following command will generate an SSH key to the home directory

$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

passphrase could be whatever.

Then, copy the output of the command below.

$ cat ~/.ssh/

add ssh-key authentication to github

Go to Settings of your git profile and click the SSH and GPG keys tab on the left side.

click the green button New SSH key and paste the key. (key title don’t matter)

This will do the trick.